Our services include:
- Study design assistance
- Grant writing and proposal preparation support
- Sample size determination
- Data analysis recommendations
- Interpretation of results
- Guidance in preparing reports and manuscripts
- Help with statistical computing programs
We do NOT provide:
- Homework checking and coursework assistance
- Data cleaning services
- Data management
- Manuscript reviews or detailed proof-reading
Our expectations for clients:
- Be ready to describe your project, including your research questions
- Come to meetings with specific questions and analysis ready data (if applicable)
- Try things on your own, to the best of your ability. Our goal is to make recommendations and help you along
Note that graduate student consultants (working in the drop-in lab) are instructed not to perform data analysis for clients or walk clients step-by-step through a full analysis.
Analysis has become much more easily performed with the improved interfaces for JMP, R, SAS, and SPSS. The faculty consultants strongly encourage individuals, especially graduate students, to perform their own data analysis. This is important for a better understanding of the results of the data analysis. Statistical collaborators will gladly recommend what procedures should be used and provide support to get started. If a faculty member needs help with analysis, options can be discussed with faculty statistical collaborators.
Please see the Statistical Laboratory Policies page for information on funding, co-authorship, and acknowledgment and the Resources page page for recommended software tutorials.